Part Time Degree MA

School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Law

A flexible part-time degree allowing you to combine study with work or other commitments

Start date
September 2024
8 years (part time)
Dundee City Campus

If you feel you have missed out on the opportunity to study at University, or want to study but lack the conventional entry requirements, this degree could be ideal for you.

It is designed to meet the needs and interests of adult learners, as it is a flexible and diverse course which allows you to combine degree level study with work or other commitments.

The part-time degree is based on a modular structure. By successfully passing modules you are awarded credits, which you can build up to be awarded a degree.

You can choose from a range of modules in various subject areas from across the humanities and social sciences, depending on your own interests.

This can include subject areas such as creative writing, English, European languages, European studies, film studies, history, and philosophy.

We work hard to combine tradition with innovation. You can study anything from Shakespeare to human rights, science fiction to African history, Romantic poetry to Hollywood cinema.

Depending on how many modules you choose to study in each year it can take you anything from four and a half to six years to complete a degree.

As you progress with your studies you can choose to specialise in one or two subjects, or you can choose to continue with a wider range of subject areas.

Photograph of James Ashwood
“Over the past two years I have taken Philosophy, English, Film and History modules and these have opened up a whole new world of knowledge and interest for me. Coming from a construction background is so different and I was afraid I would struggle. My fears were groundless and I have taken to it like a duck to water. My only regret is that I didn’t do this years ago.”

James Ashwood, joined the course in 2012

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